La Commission européenne publie un nouveau Code of Conduct for UPS

Merci au GIMELEC de nous avoir communiqué cette information.

CEMEP UPS informe d’un nouveau Code of Conduct for UPS

L’accord volontaire conclu en 2011 entre les principaux fabricants d’UPS (Uninterruptible Power Systems) et le Joint Research Center (JRC) de la Commission européenne, fait l’objet d’une mis à jour en 2021, avec des exigences d’efficacité énergétique plus strictes (avec deux niveaux d’approche de l’efficacité de l’UPS, Standard et Elite, voir les tableaux ci-dessous), et un nouveau lien avec le Code of Conduct européen pour les datacenters.

Le nouveau code de conduite UPS a été publié en juin 2021 avec de nouvelles limites pour la période 2021 à 2023.

Pour accéder à la nouvelle version (v2) du CoC UPS, cliquer ici.

Ci-dessous, le communiqué de presse de la fédération européenne des fabricants d’UPS CEMEP UPS, dont le GIMELEC assure le secrétariat.

Publication of the new Code of Conduct for UPS : towards more efficiency in the digital world

Press release
Paris, 28th of July, 2021

As the safety net of data centers in case of power failures, Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) are widely used within the digital world. The quest for more energy efficiency has always been a driver of the UPS market given the importance of energy costs in the data center management. It wastranslated in 2011 into a voluntary agreement between main manufacturers and the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission.

In 2021, it is updated1 with more stringent energy efficiency requirements, as a two step approach and a brand new link with the European Code of Conduct for Data Centers.

General principles of the Code of Conduct for UPS

UPS play a significant role in maximising the availability of systems. UPS modules are often operated in parallel to increase availability and provide extra security of electrical supply to the connected equipment. The downside : UPS generates energy losses wich are higher than the supply of the consumer direct from the low voltage network.

Since 2011, manufacturers CEMEP UPS representing more than 80% of the market commit to : only put on the european market products compliance with the energy efficiency requirements set by the Code of Conduct for UPS; enable JRC to monitor the market by providing relevant data.

What’s new ?

Every category of UPS saw its energy efficiency requirements improve with sometimes huge gaps between 2011 & 2021 values. It reflects the continuing efforts made by manufacturers to improve their products.

A twostep approach has also been introduced: beyond new minimal requirements, the CoC now mentions « elite level » requirements which will be mandatory if a data center operator wants to be compliant with the Code of Conduct for Data Center.

This new push & pull strategy will accelerate the natural evolution of UPS toward better energy efficiency.

What’s next ?

In parallel of securing the availability of systems, UPS technologies are now able to provide flexibility to the grid : several data center operators are now energy market players and CEMEP UPS is committed to switch proof of concepts projects into a market.



CEMEP UPS is the Coordinating Committee for the Associations of Manufacturers of static Uninterruptible Power Supplies systems for industrial, commercial and similar use in the European Union.

CEMEP UPS includes the main national trade associations in Europe, representative of the leading manufacturers of UPS.

CEMEP UPS aims to promote and represent in accordance within the framework of the Treaty of Rome and within the framework of the general policy defined by the national federations the common professional interests of its members in all areas of its competencies.

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